Tuesday, April 21, 2009

mary jane

white clouds surround
softly sucking in flame
a bittersweet cough
a long glance around
giggles begin to spew
a lovely new perspective

Monday, March 16, 2009

poetry challenge two

Create a poem using only six words in each line

Magnificent kingdom crumbles into dark abyss
Sin filled baboons dine on greed
Angered and abused, they blabber incessantly
Aching desire for pure simplicity fades
Superior tragedies bleed through uncomfortable silences
Basking in tumorous concerns over nothing

Friday, March 06, 2009

poetry challenge one!

make a rhyming poem with "door hinge" as fast as you can!

as she heard the door hinge
she came to realize
there was an end to this more binge
as she put down her last life line
she felt one last twinge

Thursday, March 05, 2009

my large chest

I have a wonderful voice
A beautiful mind, of course
But it’s not acknowledged
Without a willing choice
You don’t see my eyes
My nose, my face
You look down below
And put me in my place
Slut, whore, easy, too
I wear clothes just the same
Tops fit me just right, am I to blame?
Just like all the others
Same thoughts, same dreams
But, I got more down there
So, now, you become mean
I see your judging eyes
But, it’s something I can’t hide
“They’re bogus, she paid.”
“Let’s give her funny names.”
No longer just a person
But, a body part it seems
I just want to be recognized
And, maybe, not be seen

pregnant teen

Still young, still new
Not ready to bring life into
This world still recent and fresh
A little stick speaks deeply
Two pink lines make things bleak
Future now looks hazy and white
Don’t know how to study tonight
Whispers pleas for the right solution


One step from the long black ride
FLASHFLASHFLASH blinding the eyes
Grin now and linger a raised hand
Inventing love for screaming strangers
Name begins to slip from meaning
Is it who you are or what you wear
Naively taking the false weight of notoriety

drug dealer

Pacing on the claimed corner
Waiting for habitual clientele
Making all this superbly possible
This little baggy holds spirituality
Sidewalk becomes the church
Supplier evolves into majestic savior
Small prayer for a little extra

white collar

No time for morning kisses
Through the front door
Through the Lexus door
Through the building door
Distinguished box swings side to side
Clammy hands shake up and down
Packaged greetings, greedy responses
Fleeting emotion leaves cracks in foundation
Swipe of the pen and another shake shake
Brief goodbyes from tainted minds
Through the office door
Through the garage door
Through the bedroom door
Tacky tie slithers down sore neck
No time for goodnight kisses

regretful mother

Starring blankly into random space
Children’s laughter surrounds
Swings and little legs pass by vision
Loss of paycheck, loss of purpose
Smiles and slow applause to kin
Feigning encouraging phrases
A quick nod and a wave make due
Below, a screaming hunger for chaos

rich woman

Bright, white teeth break through
Careless, maroon red lips
Pompous laughter spills and echoes
Designer lipstick leaves an impression
On the clean, sparkling crystal
Affluent proverbs suffocate the room
Shallow trepidations rule conversation

blue collar

Sun begins to fall over the sky
The sweet scent of freedom
Leaks through the vents
Final hour lingers everlasting
Burning yearn for homestead
Twiddling cracked thumbs
Exhaustion takes its toll


In the corner of one’s eye
Lost soul with pleas on chest
Black ink prays for green in hand
Frozen fingers peek through cotton
Six layers leaves back with hump
Sorrowful eyes scream their woes
A constant ache for comfort